
Radiant Ceiling Heaters

A Great Solution for Comfort!

Designed to provide maximum comfort at the absolute lowest cost, there is no wasted heat using our Electric Radiant Ceiling Heating System.

Installation is simple: electric gypsum panels fit between the ceiling joists above the finished ceiling. A gentle curtain of warmth is then spread evenly throughout the room, now free from drafts and dust.

The system is completely concealed. This means no interference with furniture or decorating schemes since there are no radiators or registers to get in the way. And no streaked walls, drafts, or burning dust on hot pipes or registers.

A direct transference of clean even heat from object to object – without fans, pumps or hoses – silent, motionless, and invisible.

Ecohaven Calgary home bedroom 2011

Eliminate Cold Spaces

Our Electric Radiant Ceiling Heating System also eliminates cold and hot spots throughout the environment. In fact, the temperature variant from ceiling to floor is only about
1° C (2° F).

Electric Radiant Ceiling Heating System is frequently used in homes but is also perfect for Condominiums, Townhouses, Apartment Buildings, Hotels, Restaurants, Hospitals, Schools and Nursing Homes.

Whatever the need or challenge, we can meet your individual demands.


Why Electric Radiant Ceiling Heat?

Mr. Darrel Peterson, a Custom Home Designer with Christian Home Designers, Minnesota, USA, claims that every time a prospective client realizes the savings they can achieve with an Electric Radiant Ceiling Heating System home, he’s made another sale.

“An Electric Radiant Ceiling Heating System homeowner can expect to pay roughly two-thirds of the cost of what they would pay for hot water in-floor heating and about half the cost of maintaining and running it. It is wonderful product that has helped increase business and actually affect design in our market. People are now rethinking their designs in foyers, kitchens and bathrooms. This would not have happened without the trust and belief in a product that delivers much more than heat.”

Electric Radiant Ceiling Heating System Benefits

  • 100% energy efficient
  • Maintenance free
  • Quiet, safe and clean
  • Superior heating comfort -gentle even temperature from floor to ceiling
  • Aesthetically pleasing design – system is completely concealed
  • Room temperature can be verified from anywhere in the building
  • Rooms can be programmed so that you minimize operating costs while maximizing comfort
  • Control system allows for customization of heated areas

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